
Let's Talk.

Do you understand how therapeutic a good "ugly cry" is? It's a huge release of emotions you've been holding in. And tonight, I did something I haven't in a long time. Tonight, I sat in my car and sobbed. I sobbed my damn eyes out. I cried for my broken body. I cried for my weary spirit. I cried because basically, and in the most polite words - 2020 has kicked me right in the teeth. I get so exhausted. I get so frustrated. Most days it feels like there isn't anything left to give. And that's because sometimes, there isn't. And you know what? That is okay. Cause life is really hard sometimes. Of course there are good days! And for those I'm grateful. And when the good outweighs the bad, even better. But the bad days can outweigh the good just as quickly. It's an ongoing struggle, an continuous journey, and as long as I live I know this is a battle I'll have to fight. But if anything, keep the following in mind: It is ...

Diving Head First into Chronic Illness

"I'm sick". It's a sentence we use plenty in our lifetime, especially during cold & flu season. Your nose is red and your eyes are bleak and your face is pale. And people often comment, "whoa, you look sick". But how many people are sick without actually appearing to be? The answer? Plenty. I should know. I'm one of those people. The diagnosis? Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. I was diagnosed at age 16 with POTS by a neurologist, but my disease started a few years earlier.  I remember the first time I ever fainted, which is one of my main symptoms. I was 13. It was in May of 2009, 10 years ago this year. Now, let me just say that over the last decade I have fainted hundreds of times. So many times I can't even begin to explain. And I honestly only remember what happened for a handful of those times.  But this time, I remember too clearly.  I was singing for my very first junior high Spring Concert with a ...